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Porn Channels and Groups In Zambia

18+ Porn Channels and Groups In Zambia


Find porn channels and groups on Exotic Zambia, which is the ultimate directory for adult entertainment as well as being the premier escort listing site in the whole of Zambia.

Are you struggling to find blue movies or thrilling adult content in Zambia? Look no more, look no further. Join numerous channels and groups in Zambia for interactive adult content including and not limited to Zambian porn, celebrity nude leaks, fans only live sex, video chats, stripchats, and much more.


Zambian Woman Upskirt logo

There are several porn channels in Zambia which you can join for exceptional adult content in Zambia. These channels are mainly run on Telegram. Among the notable porn channels in Zambia include:

  1. Exotic Africa Telegram Porn Channel

Exotic Africa is the leading Telegram porn channel in the whole of Africa. Join to find updated adult content from across Zambia.  It lists exotic porn videos of kinky girls and boys in Zambia. Get access to top-rated blue content in the whole of Zambia.

Experience mind-blowing Zambian porn xxx videos. Watch sexy Zambian porn girls in action with their male counterparts. You can also actualize your fantasies by booking incall or outcall Zambian call girls or escort boys online.

    2. African Sexglobe Telegram Channel

It is renown for explicit adult content in Zambia. Join to enjoy a wide range of porn content.

Apart from Telegram, there are also WhatsApp porn groups.  Find +18 WhatsApp Adult only groups in Zambia today. Join a host of other adult Zambians and interact through adult content.

Top on the list is Exotic Zambia WhatsApp porn group followed by a number of others. Join the group for entertaining content after which you can also find a porn companion from any place in Zambia.

Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook are also platforms where porn where one can join porn channels or groups in Zambia. These Zambian porn channels and groups are spread across Zambia. Check out Lusaka porn channels/groups, Ndola porn channels/groups, Kitwe porn channels/groups, Livingstone porn channels/groups, among other locations.





Exotic Zambia Frequently Asked Questions

Exotic Zambia Frequently Asked Questions

Exotic Zambia is a premier escort listing directory. It lists individuals offering escort services across Zambia. There are Zambian sexy calls as well as escort boys.

There are people with interest to join Exotic Zambia, but are a bit hesitant due to certain lingering questions. Do not let fear hold you back, seek clarification from us and free yourself from the world of uncertainty.

The following below could be questions you need answer for.

Question: What is the minimum age for joining Exotic Zambia?

Answer: The minimum age for joining Exotic Zambia is 18 years. Anyone below the Zambian standard age of majority is prohibited from engaging in online adult activities.

Question: Do I need to be an experienced escort to join Exotic Zambia?

Answer: What is essential is great interpersonal skills. You must be a people person. The longer you stay, the more experience gets.

Question: Is Exotic Zambia a pimping agency?

Answer: Not at all. Exotic Zambia is just an escort listing directory. We only provide advertisement space for those who intend to offer escort services.

Question: Is sex involved?

Answer: Exotic Zambia basically offers individuals advertisement space. Whatever service is offered to clients is within the full discretion of an escort. Exotic Zambia does not ask escorts what to offer to clients.

Question: Must I have a car when joining Exotic Zambia?

Answer: Absolutely not. A car is just a plus but is a necessity. There are many transportation options in Zambia. You can use Uber, PSVs, and many more.

Question: Does Exotic Zambia allow foreigners to join?

Answer: Exotic Zambia allows everyone with proper license and permit to live and work in Zambia. If you are a foreigner and want to join Exotic Zambia, make sure you have proper documents.

How To Work Well An Escort In Zambia

How To Work Well An Escort In Zambia

Are you in the escort service industry and have been facing challenges in terms of offering services to clients? This information is important to you. Escort service business is quite challenging and if an escort has not put the most essential aspects in order,  he or she will end up being frustrated.

Many people offering escort services think that all it takes is to get listed, and voilà, everything is set. Until and unless the individual intending to become an escort puts certain things in perspective, frustration galore will be at their disposal.

Escort services have, in the course of the years become more and more professional. This means that the person who intends to become an escort must strategise as if they are setting up a business. The competition among escort service providers is becoming more and more stiff, perhaps due to the realization that this particular service is on high demand.

As you have realised, most businesses across the globe are endeavouring to have an online presence thereby making sure that their online visibility is seamless. The reason for this paradigm shift in the way of reaching potential customers/clients is courtesy of the fact that more and more people are getting hitched to acquiring goods and services via e-commerce platforms.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter the service or goods you are offering, if you don’t have an online medium through which you can reach your potential customers you will be doomed. Traditional marketing channels are becoming obsolete. Now, there is reaching clients through online channels, and then there is reaching the right clients online. So, if you want to emerge tops among your competitors, you must make sure you focus on the proper product information, right price, convenient location, appropriate packaging, and so on and so forth.

Now, you know where this is heading to. Imagine you are a business in yourself and ask whether you have been doing the right thing as an escort service provider. If not, what is it that you have been doing wrongly? And if you have not yet started but you are considering being an escort, what is it that you are supposed to do in order to be an exceptional escort in Zambia?


Here is how you can work well as an escort in Zambia:


1. Make Sure You Have Attained The Zambian Age of Majority

An underage escort provider is like a fake product or service. You will not enjoy your work and you will not last long on the market due to having run-ins with the authority. You may even at worse jeopardize the existence of the escort listing directory. Look at the Exotic Zambia frequently asked questions and get to understand this requirement.


2. Choose The Best Escort Listing Directory

If you want to have a much wider reach than your competitors, you must choose the best escort site or escort directory in Zambia. Exotic Zambia is the top and the most reliable escort directory in Zambia. The rest follow from behind. You want  to be on a website with exceptional online visibility and good client traffic.


3. Have Passion As An Escort

Offering of escort services is becoming one of the highly paying liberal occupations.  Escort services, as you have already read in the preceding paragraphs, are being sought so massively that they are almost falling in the same category as basic needs. A passionate provider of an escort services is a darling to the majority of clients. You will have many repeat clients if your offers are exceptional.


4. Be Ready To Learn

No one is perfect. When you fail in your first attempts, don’t give up. You can, for example: seek advice from the directory administrator to how to best work as an escort. Listen to the clients’ suggestions on how well you can have them enjoy your services. Be teachable at all times so that you enjoy future engagements with your clients.


  5. Be Empathetic

Make sure you put yourself in the shoes of the client as well as in those of the sales admin. You need both the directory and the clients. Act in the best manner possible. Be honest/truthful/trustworthy, polite, fair, etc.

  • Don’t lie to a client about your ability or services on offer. If you are unable to offer for instance BDSM, don’t put it among your offers.
  • Don’t be rude by hauling nasty words at the clients when a disagreement arises. Always act politely and try to resolve your differences amicably.
  • Be fair at all times. Don’t overcharge just because you need money to achieve your goals. Let the client get value for their money.
  • Listen to the clients’ requests and understand their needs. You can tailor make if possible to suit their preferences.
  • Pay your escort directory fee early enough to avoid inconveniences.
  • Be respectful to both the client and your escort directory admin.
  • Be punctual and if you are running late, send early apologies.
  • Don’t blackmail the client or the sales admin so that you have your way.

  6. Groom Yourself In The Best Way Possible

An escort is like a model or vixen. You must make sure you look the part. A client must be able to separate you from an ordinary lady or gentleman. In other words, look exceptionally attractive. For example:

  • Take good care of your hair, your nails, your eyebrows, eye lashes, beards, teeth, toes, skin, or body as a whole.
  • Wear trendy or fashionable attire. Dress the way you want to be addressed.
  • Do physical exercises so as to always stay energetic and youthful. It doesn’t matter whether you are slim, short, lanky, or heavy. There is always a preference for whichever body size.
  • Speak or talk like a professional. Learn to use proper terms when in contact with a client. Don’t be a loose canon.
  • Have great posture as well as an alluring gait. A bad posture will provoke doubts from a client.
  • Have good table manners when having a drink or a meal. Don’t sneeze in the air or spit around you. Always have a handkerchief and excuse yourself when reflexes seize you.
  • Take frequent bath and smell well.

   7. Invest In Exceptional Photography or Videography

Purchase a phone/tablet with a great camera for your profile pics or video streams. When you want to upload a photo or a video to your profile, ensure proper lighting in the location you are doing it from. Statics show that beautiful photos make a good and lasting first impression.

Even if you don’t have a proper gadget for great photos or videos, you can always hire a professional photographer or videographer. Remember you are the business yourself. You must catch your client’s eye.

  8. Be Confident

Make sure that you exude confidence albeit in the right measure. Show your client that you are up to task. High confidence in oneself normally subdues the client. You will only charge premium rates when you display mastery and knowledge of what the service entails.

9. Prioritise On Safety Precautions

Always do due diligence to avoid falling victim to cyber criminals. Do background check if possible. In the case where are not sure about your safety, insist on meeting at a neutral and safe location.



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