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Escorts From Eastern Province

Escorts from Eastern Province

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Eastern Province escorts

The province borders Mozambique to the South, Malawi to the East and lies between the borders and the Luangwa River. The capital city of this province is Chipata. There are 8 districts namely; Chadiza, Chipata, Lundazi, Nyimba, Chama, Katete, Mambwe, and Petauke.

Eastern Province Nightlife

In Eastern province, the nightlife is mostly in hotels and resorts since that is where bars are located. However, there are a few bars in the capital that light up the starry night with its luminous lights and local music. Some of these bars are;

  • Mama Rula’s is one of the hotspots for nightlife in this province found in Chipata. It is known for its beer and can be taken with a Tbone steak as you socialize with your peers.
  • Coco cafe and bar-restaurant is located in Chipata and serves both local and international alcohol. When you have had too much to drink and need a hot meal to satisfy you the bar has restaurant services too.
  • East Point Discotheque in Chipata

The major tribes found in this province are Ngoni, Nsenga and Chewa. The Chewas are the majority tribe occupying this province. They are led by chiefs and the chiefs have the mandate to declare practices that should no longer be practiced in his chiefdom like;

  • Spouse inheritance called chokolo is banned in the Chewa tribe in this province.
  • Fisi is the hyena concept whereby a strange and mysterious man is employed to test the sexual skills of a girl in puberty who is usually 12 or 13 years of age.
  • Early marriages before the age of sixteen
  • Gule Wamkulu is an initiation into a secret boy’s club and now the initiation requires consent from the boy of the age of 16 and above.
  • Cidyerano is prohibited whereby swinging is practiced without the consent of the wives of the partners.
  • Sexual cleansing

Prostitution in Eastern Province

The capital city of Eastern province is the hub of prostitution in the province. The Chipata ladies of the night joined this business as teenagers. Some of these commercial sex workers are still ongoing students in schools from Chipata Day Secondary school and Hillside Girls Secondary school who wear the uniform to school then when the day ends change into another uniform suited for the trade of the night. Truck drivers that head off to the neighbouring countries and men in formal employment make most of their clientele. Some of their clients do not pay even after having unprotected sex and this makes some of the sex workers steal from them as retribution. The hotspots where the sex workers are found in this town are;

  • Kalongwezi area
  • Magazine area
  • Church road in Moth area

Spa and massage in Eastern Province

The Marula tree is used to extract marula oil that is used for cosmetic reasons as well as an aphrodisiac by the people of this province. It is a great moisturizer for aging skin and also prevents stretch marks as well as softens fine lines.

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