This province is the second poverty-stricken after Luapula province in Zambia. Mongu is its capital and other districts are; Lukulu, Senanga, Mavua, Kaoma, Kataba, Mulobezi, Sesheke, and Shangombo.
The Lozi are the main inhabitants of Western province. They are the only tribe ruled by a king, and are respectful in nature. They show respect through likuta, the clapping of hands as a sign of respect between genders and leaders. The king is the one who grants his people permission to live in his land.
When dating, a woman is not allowed to accept a man’s proposal immediately. The man must try a second time with a present to show his seriousness. The woman in turn gives the man a bracelet to show her commitment to the relationship.
Some of the clubs you can frequent for a good time filled with music and drinks are; Mongu club, Moonlight, Kanyami Mubonda -KM Bar, and Villa oceania bar.
Mongu is popular with hookers and ladies of the night. Any Zambian or tourist in need of quick sexual satisfaction rushes there. However, with online escort directories such as Exotic Zambia, you do not need to go to the streets to hook up. Book cute girls and men in Western province right here.