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Escorts From Kabwe

    Escorts in Kabwe

    Find escorts in Kabwe on Exotic Zambia

    Escorts in Kabwe go by many other different names such as Kabwe escorts, escorts from Kabwe, escorts Kabwe, escorts at Kabwe, Kabwe call girls, Kabwe call boys, exotic Kabwe, exotic escorts in Kabwe, including other notable names.

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    Escorts from Kabwe

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    Kabwe Town

    This is the headquarters of Zambia’s Central Province. It was colonially known as Broken Hill. It has a population of slightly over 300,00 people, majority of whom are women.

    It is an important mining centre whose main minerals are zinc and lead as well as Copper. Apart from being an industrial town, it is also an important transport corridor that lies along The Great North Road in addition to being the headquarters of Zambia Railways.

    Kabwe is located 150 km North of Lusaka and is one of the six towns that form the famous Copperbelt in Zambia. Agriculture is also practiced in Kabwe, especially the growing of corn and tobacco.

    Furthermore, the area  also has notable tourist attractions that include Zambia’s first hydro-electric power plant or station on Mulungushi River , The Big Tree National Monument, and Paradise Park.

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